Tom DiRoss & Jean DiRoss

Videos I shot on Monday, April 11, 2016

  Videos I shot on Monday, April 11, 2016

I was afraid that Tom and Jean might trash the house and blame it on me so on Monday, April 11, 2016, I went out there and shot these videos of the home.

Here is the bus pass I used to take the light rail out there.

Since I can only have files of 500,000 or less on this site I uploaded all the videos to YouTube. I started uploading them to YouTube on Wednesday April 13 and finished on Thursday, April 14, 2016.

I might write a computer program to allow me to upload the files in chunks of a half meg or less and them combine them into a larger files.

bus pass I used to take light rail to the house to shoot the videos on Monday April 11, 2016



Did Tom Diross and Jean Diross cheat Mike Diross out of everything he owns? Did Tom Diross and Jean Diross cheat Mike Diross out of everything he owns? Did Tom Diross and Jean Diross cheat Mike Diross out of everything he owns? Did Tom Diross and Jean Diross cheat Mike Diross out of everything he owns? Did Tom Diross and Jean Diross cheat Mike Diross out of everything he owns? Did Tom Diross and Jean Diross cheat Mike Diross out of everything he owns? Did Tom Diross and Jean Diross cheat Mike Diross out of everything he owns? Did Tom Diross and Jean Diross cheat Mike Diross out of everything he owns? Did Tom Diross and Jean Diross cheat Mike Diross out of everything he owns?

