When I mailed certified letters to Tom DiRoss and Jean Diross both Thomas Diross and Jean Diross refused to accept them.

Tom told me on Sunday, Feburary 28, that he refused them because he didn't want them because he thought a certified letter mean a lawyer was getting involved in it.

Tom also told me that he told Jean Diross to refuse the certified letters I sent her.

That's a bit hypocritical on Tom's part, because I suspect he hired the lawyer April to draw up all the legal papers which I am requesting in these letters.

So Tom Diross seems to think it's OK for HIM to have lawyers, but not me.

That's another thing that raises my suspicions and makes me think that Tom Diross and Jean Diross may be trying to cheat me out of my stuff.

This time I decided to also mail a letter to Jesse Brown or Jesse Diross who is Jean Diross's son, so I mailed 3 letters.

On to Tom Diross, one to Jean Diross, and one to Jesse Brown or Jesse Diross.

I mailed them all by regular mail.

I mailed them on Tuesday, March 1 from the mail post office in downtown Tempe on Mill Avenue & 5th Street.

I was planning on mailing them Monday, February 29, but I didn't. I mailed them the next day on Tuesday, March 1, 2016.

Also not the date on my watch is wrong. It says March 2, instead of March 1.

I am sure that is because of the leap year.

The newspaper is the February 29, 2016 issue of the Arizona Republic and I shot photos of the letters on it because I was planning on mailing them that day.

The receipt is from Filibertos on March 1, 2016.

I ate there before getting the letters and mailing them from the Tempe US Post Office.

The photos of the letters with the watch that says 12:54:37, Tuesday, March 2 was shot outside the Post Office just before I mailed the letters. Note the date is wrong because my watch doesn't handle leap years. It skipped over Feb 29, to March 1.

The mail box the letters are in shows that they were supposed to be picked up at 3:15 pm and 5 pm that day.

Since I mailed them at 12:54, I suspect they were picked up at 3:15 pm that day.

Since the US Post office usually delivers the mail the next day, I suspect the letters were delivered sometime today, on Wed, March 2.