Tom DiRoss & Jean DiRoss

Letter I mailed to April Miller-LePage on May 22, 2017

  I'm walking to the Post office in a few minutes to this letter. It's 2:47 pm, May 22, 2017

From: Mike Diross
Tempe, Arizona

To: April Miller-LePage
Attorney at Law
PO Box 22015
Phoenix, Arizona

(602)493-1590 fax

Monday, May 22, 2017

Dear April Miller-LePage:

I kind of suspect that when you get this letter you will tell me that you’re the lawyer of Tom Diross and Jean Diross and that you are not my lawyer and that you can’t help me. But that’s OK, at least I will run this by you.

About two years ago I got tired of being homeless and living on the streets and contacted Tom Diross and Jean Diross.

From what I understand I, along with my brothers and sisters hold several liens on property my parents used to own, and that since my dad died I can get the property and use it to help myself to stop being homeless.

I have asked Tom and Jean several times, both verbally and in writing for information on the stuff that is allegedly mine. I even sent them both certified letters asking for the information.

Both Tom and Jean have given me the run around on my verbal and written request for information and not given me any answers. They refused to accept the certified letters I sent them. Tom simply refused to accept the certified letter I sent him. Tom told Jean to refuse to accept the certified letter I sent to Jean.

In response to one of my requests for documents on this Jean did give me the first page of the letter which I have included in this letter to you. She only gave me the first page and didn’t give me any more information. I have asked Jean both verbally and in writing for copies of this “family agreement” cited in the letter Jean gave me.

Jean has given me the run around and not ever given me a copy of the “family agreement”. Nor has she ever mentioned that she has plans to give me the rest of the pages that go along with the first page of this letter.

Would it be possible for you to give me a copy of this “family agreement” since it appears you either wrote the agreement or had something to do with writing it?

Also would it be possible for you to give me a full copy of the letter with all of the pages following the first page?

Jean gave me the first page, but never responded to my requests for copies of the other pages.

Tom and Jean did let me live in the house at 5323 N 19th Avenue for a few months.

I moved out for a number of reasons. I had no idea if I had a legal right to live there and didn’t want to get arrested by the police. The house was pretty much trashed and I didn’t want to get blamed for trashing it. None of the bedroom doors had locks or even worked and I felt unsafe sleeping there. The house didn’t have any electricity or utilities. The house is in a very high crime area and there are frequently homeless people sleeping in the complex or on 19th Avenue and I was afraid of being beaten up or robbed. The home is in a very noisy environment with lots of traffic noise and the neighbors make a lot of noise with loud music and barking dogs. Neither Jean nor Tom ever gave me any legal documents saying if I had a right to stay in the house.


Mike Diross
Tempe, Arizona


Here is a copy of the letter after I scanned it

Letter I mailed to April Miller-LePage on May 22, 2017

Letter I mailed to April Miller-LePage on May 22, 2017

Letter I mailed to April Miller-LePage on May 22, 2017



Did Tom Diross and Jean Diross cheat Mike Diross out of everything he owns? Did Tom Diross and Jean Diross cheat Mike Diross out of everything he owns? Did Tom Diross and Jean Diross cheat Mike Diross out of everything he owns? Did Tom Diross and Jean Diross cheat Mike Diross out of everything he owns? Did Tom Diross and Jean Diross cheat Mike Diross out of everything he owns? Did Tom Diross and Jean Diross cheat Mike Diross out of everything he owns? Did Tom Diross and Jean Diross cheat Mike Diross out of everything he owns? Did Tom Diross and Jean Diross cheat Mike Diross out of everything he owns? Did Tom Diross and Jean Diross cheat Mike Diross out of everything he owns?

