Tom DiRoss & Jean DiRoss

Are Jean and Tom going to throw me under a bus?

Are Jean and Tom ripping me off?

  I think I called Jean on Wednesday, March 21, 2018 and asked her to give me $300 on Sunday March 25, 2018 at 2:30.

I also told Jean that I would like to close out this stuff in the next month or so and have them give me everything that they have of mine.

She said she would.

I then called her Saturday, March 24 to remind her.

She seem real angry and told me she didn't have time and couldn't meet me.

She said something like she MIGHT meet me in the future.

Does that mean they will NEVER meet me?

I wonder are Tom and Jean going to try and cheat me out of the liens or whatever they are holding for me?

I wonder if when I told Jean that I wanted to close everything out, that Jean suspects that will expose their fraud, and because of that she canceled meeting me?

Also when I called Jean on Wednesday, March 21 she said she had to do my taxes for me???

I was confused on that. What is Jean filing taxes for me?

Then when I talked to Jean on Saturday, she also said she had been filing my taxes for the last 10 years.

What's going on here?

Jean and Tom and been refusing to tell me anything about whatever trust they are running. But they have been filing taxes for me for the last 10 years?

This looks like it is getting more and more suspicious.

You know, like Jean and Tom are ripping me off.

I told Jean I would call her on Wednesday and set up another meeting with her on Saturday.

I wonder, will Jean start avoiding me now?

Are they planning to finalize ripping me off?

Jean also complained about other petty stuff stuff.

Like the fact I don't have an answering machine.

Usually when people do that, they are looking for any petty reason to dump you.



Did Tom Diross and Jean Diross cheat Mike Diross out of everything he owns? Did Tom Diross and Jean Diross cheat Mike Diross out of everything he owns? Did Tom Diross and Jean Diross cheat Mike Diross out of everything he owns? Did Tom Diross and Jean Diross cheat Mike Diross out of everything he owns? Did Tom Diross and Jean Diross cheat Mike Diross out of everything he owns? Did Tom Diross and Jean Diross cheat Mike Diross out of everything he owns? Did Tom Diross and Jean Diross cheat Mike Diross out of everything he owns? Did Tom Diross and Jean Diross cheat Mike Diross out of everything he owns? Did Tom Diross and Jean Diross cheat Mike Diross out of everything he owns?

