Tom DiRoss & Jean DiRoss

Wednesday, December 21, 2016 I called Jean

  On Wednesday, December 21, 2016 I called Jean a little after 7 a.m. to see if I could set up an appointment to get the documents I request in my December 5, 2016 letter.

This time she answered my phone call.

She said she is normally home from 7 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. when she goes to work and I could call her in that half hour period without bothering her.

Notes from Wednesday, December 21, 2016 call to Jean

Jean said that she talked to me Tom about my requests for documents that I mailed her on December 5, 2016.

She said that Tom told her that I need to get a government ID before they can give me the documents that I want to read.

Jean seemed to say they also wanted me to sign the documents before I could read them.

Yea, like a used car salesman asking you to sign the contract BEFORE you even look at the car and know what you are buying.

That seems rather odd. I am their brother and they want me to give them a government issued photo ID before I can read the documents that they want me to sign.

Sounds like something fishy is going on. Do they want to rip me off?

Jean also gave me a bunch of lame excuses on why I don't need to read the documents.

The one I remember Jean saying is that the documents are 10 years old.

Yea, sure like that really matters. I am supposed to just blindly sign the documents without reading them because they are over 10 years old???

Just trust us and sign these documents. We won't rip you off.

It sure sounds like that is what is happening.

Why is Jean asking Tom if she should give me the documents?

Are Jean and Tom in this together and there is a conspiracy to rip me off???

And remember Tom told me they has some kind of trust set up for me last year.

If Jean and Tom are operating some kind of trust for me they should answer all my questions without making me jump thru hoops.

Remember both Jean and Tom refused the certified letters I sent them last year.

Jean also gave me a line that the TRIED to rent the condo out.

I suspect the next line that will be coming from them is we don't have a penny in rentals receipts from the condo because we never rented it out.

Again it sure sounds like this is leading up to be a rip off.

Jean also mentioned something about $50,000 in cash sitting around? Wow!!! I wonder if that is why they are having a hard time coming up with the documents.

I also asked Jean to give me $120 in cash.

She said she could give it to me on Saturday.

I told Jean I would call her on Friday morning and remind her to meet me on Saturday and give me the money.

Jean said I could call her at 7 a.m. She goes to work at 7:30 a.m.

She gets home from work at 6:00 p.m or 6:30 p.m.

Jean said she didn't answer the phone yesterday when I called because she was in the shower. I called yesterday about 6:15 p.m.

I called Jean this morning about 7:00 a.m.



Did Tom Diross and Jean Diross cheat Mike Diross out of everything he owns? Did Tom Diross and Jean Diross cheat Mike Diross out of everything he owns? Did Tom Diross and Jean Diross cheat Mike Diross out of everything he owns? Did Tom Diross and Jean Diross cheat Mike Diross out of everything he owns? Did Tom Diross and Jean Diross cheat Mike Diross out of everything he owns? Did Tom Diross and Jean Diross cheat Mike Diross out of everything he owns? Did Tom Diross and Jean Diross cheat Mike Diross out of everything he owns? Did Tom Diross and Jean Diross cheat Mike Diross out of everything he owns? Did Tom Diross and Jean Diross cheat Mike Diross out of everything he owns?

