Tom DiRoss & Jean DiRoss

More questions for Tom and Jean about the estate.

More questions for Tom and Jean - Emailed on Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Last Updated Wed, March 13, 2019 at 10:03 pm

  More questions for Tom and Jean about the estate.

I wrote these questions up on Wednesday, March 13, 2019 and mailed them to Tom and Jean. Well, really Jean and Danny River.

This Word document


This Word document also contains this email


To:Jean DiRoss
CC:Danny Rivera / Danial Rivera
Date:Wednesday, March 13, 2019 3:21 PM
Subject:More questions for Tom and Jean
Jean Diross
1206 E Northshore Drive
Tempe, Arizona 85283

Tom Diross
2931 N Casa Tomas Court
Phoenix, Arizona 85016
c/o – Daniel Rivera

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Here are some more questions I have for Tom and Jean on the trust and estate. I emailed you guys the 1st questions on March 5, 2019.

Since the last questions I asked ended with question 17, I started these questions at number 18 instead of #1


18) I had no idea that you guys transferred the title of that condo on 19th Avenue to me, until Jean gave me those documents a few weeks ago. One document I saw seemed to say the condo was now in my name.

Can you tell me the date that you transferred the title to me?

I suspect it was years ago.

19) You guys have said a number of times that I am not homeless. Can you tell me that address that you are accusing me of living at since you insist I have a place to live at?

20) What is the status of the tax payments on the condo or house on 19th Avenue that you guys want to give me?

How much are the taxes every year?

Who do you pay the taxes to?

Who has been making the tax payments since you guys gave me the title to the condo or house.

Again, I had no idea that you had transferred the title of the condo or home to my name until Jean gave me those documents a few weeks ago.

21) What is the status of the home owners association fees on the condo or house on 19th Avenue that you guys want to give me?

How much are the home owners association fees every year, month or whenever they are do?

Who do you pay the home owners association fees to?

Who has been making the home owners association fees since you guys gave me the title to the condo or house.

Again, I had no idea that you had transferred the title of the condo or home to my name until Jean gave me those documents a few weeks ago.

22) Are there any other monthly, quarterly, yearly or other fees that are due on the condo or house?

If so what are they? When are they due? And who has been currently paying them.

23) Jean and Tom have both told me several times that you guys are renting out the condo or house for me on 19th Avenue.

Can you guys give me a list of the names, addresses and other information about the people you have rented it to over the years? That includes how much you have been renting it out for and the date’s people have been staying there. That includes the people that are currently staying there.

24) When I stayed in the condo for a few months, I noticed when I moved in it was pretty much trashed and lots of stuff seemed to be broken and smashed up. Who was responsible for that? Was it one of the tenants you rented it to?

25) Can you give me a history of the cash payments you guys have given to me? I know that you guys have told me that I have a lot of money coming and that all the payments you gave me where supposed to be a small advance on that money.






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