Tom DiRoss & Jean DiRoss

Thank you letter to Jean for $300 on June 14, 2017

  Here is a copy of a thank you letter I wrote Jean DiRoss thanking her for the money she gave me on Wednesday, June 14, 2017.

I also asked Jean DiRoss when she and Tom DiRoss are going to give me a copy of the legal documents and records I have asked for many times but not received.

Here is a copy of the word file of the letter.

It's 12:57 and I'm going to walk down to the post office on Southern & College and mail this letter in a few minutes after I enter this stuff into the web page.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Jean Diross
1206 E Northshore Drive
Tempe, AZ

Hey Jean:

On Wednesday, June 14, 2017 at about 5:30 p.m., you met me near Burger King on Broadway Road and gave me $300.

Thanks for the money!!!

I have asked you and Tom a number of times for all the legal documents and records about this and you guys have not given me any of them, except for a one page, incomplete document you gave me when you talked to me on Wed, Nov 16, 2017.

Would it be possible to give me a copy of those documents?

On May 22, 2017 I wrote and mailed a letter to your lawyer, April Miller-LePage asking for those documents. I haven’t heard back from her.

I suspect if she was going to give me a copy of the documents she would have told you and you would have given them to me when we met on Wednesday, June 14, 2017 at Burger King. But you didn’t say a word about it. So I suspect she is not going to give me the documents.



Thank you letter to Jean Di Ross, Jean DiRoss, for $300 she gave me on June 14, 2017.

Thank you letter to Jean Di Ross, Jean DiRoss, for $300 she gave me on June 14, 2017.



Did Tom Diross and Jean Diross cheat Mike Diross out of everything he owns? Did Tom Diross and Jean Diross cheat Mike Diross out of everything he owns? Did Tom Diross and Jean Diross cheat Mike Diross out of everything he owns? Did Tom Diross and Jean Diross cheat Mike Diross out of everything he owns? Did Tom Diross and Jean Diross cheat Mike Diross out of everything he owns? Did Tom Diross and Jean Diross cheat Mike Diross out of everything he owns? Did Tom Diross and Jean Diross cheat Mike Diross out of everything he owns? Did Tom Diross and Jean Diross cheat Mike Diross out of everything he owns? Did Tom Diross and Jean Diross cheat Mike Diross out of everything he owns?

